My life at the moment is an hour glass of boredom. Staying up all night on the internet and sleeping in until two or three is nice but gets old fast. If I wasn't getting on a plane next month to another country I'd be working to buy more guns, ammo, and survival gear. I'm extremely impatient so I just keep telling myself over an over that soon I'll be living in paradise getting back to skateboarding everyday, riding a bike to work, and running down the shoreline.
I'm proud of myself, For the first time in over ten years of smoking herb every day all day I've virtually quit! I have been drinking allot more but hey everyone needs some sort of crutch. Been dreaming more often and more vividly, That is if I actually get my REM sleep in. I used to have recurring dreams with different settings but usually the same people and now they are all over the place! Standing in line for a root beer fighting the people in front of me with aikido on a giant steam ship, An lots of zombie dreams! Those are my favorite.

I've been thinking about what tattoo I want to get next and I can't come up with shit! I know I want it on my side but not what I want. I was thinking about a owl but not on that spot. E-mail me if you have any ideas...
I'm gonna watch some always sunny and hopefully pass out soon.
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