Did the people at the top really just not think of anything better and let population and pollution get out of hand without any true effort to mitigate these problems? We are only over populated because of how mismanaged we are, from sustainable technologies being withheld and inproper regulations due to either stupid greed or planned decisions. They obviously have plans in place as we can see, but what if their plans have just failed and the only solution they can come up with is to cull humanity and start over. In this case we could only hope that the giant spy apparatuses are for spotting the truly caring and aware humans with the intelligence and intentions to create a better world. We like to label them as evil but in reality it could be the cruelness of nature and cold hearted laws of physics, which have to be followed in order to survive that are to blame. We must find a way to incorporate these elites in any plans we make, instead of an outright war upon them. We do have the numbers on our side, but they posses the ownership of the structures within society we rely upon. Folding them into the plan for the future seems to be a better solution to bypass all out destruction and mass death. I'm not saying lye down and get trampled, but at least extend our hand in cooperation for the greater good of this planet, if it's rejected then fuck it then we know how they want to play this out and in that case it would be better to die fighting than on our knees. Relinquishing them of their elite status and giving them a second chance to join humanity in the greatest struggle of all survival and evolution.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
How and why to take action
Revolutions are designed and furthered from thought provoking and inspirational ideas. Rational clear cut goals and strategies that exceed current status quo. Most of society suffers from an information deficiency, the lack of true and pertinent history along with a controlled media outlet placing it's own interests within culture through propagation laden, plots, character roles, scenes, musical lyrics, news articles and broadcasts. The more people that are aware of the way the world works and solutions that can be implemented to create a better one, the smoother the flow within society to direct it's own actions apart from the few at the top with their own set of self centered goals, and the sooner we can work together for the good of all. The more educated and aware the populace, the more solutions can be thought of and in a cooperative and organized manner put in to place through out the world. The greatest weapon in any war, quarrel, scuffle, game, or debate, is a mind. It can inform, analyze, determine, and most importantly choose. Which is why we must unlock peoples minds to the importance and power of learning, more than just from the t.v., your schooling, peers, or any single source. We must constantly be looking at the current situation, the triumphs and mistakes of the past, and envision the future's.
Forms of communication like the internet have been the biggest tool in spreading information, debating, and coming to individual conclusions through the conference of a mass consensus of freely presented data, that can be scrutinized or praised with other data, allowing for a more sensible and clear outcome. Spreading information across the planet using social networks, blogs, vlogs, file sharing, using criagslist to pass out burned documentaries and informative videos, pamphlets filled with websites and links, art and graffiti, using a pyramid scheme archetype where one person recruits three and they recruit three and so on, and any venue or outlet you can find or think of to wake people to possibilities that exist for a better planet.
Instilling organizations like-
Meet-Up Groups: This is better than nothing. At the very least, we should be able to find the time to talk with others of like mind in a neutral setting away from our computers and express our concerns. Weekly or bi-weekly meetings are a must. Anything less frequent will probably go nowhere. If taken seriously, Meet Up groups can easily develop into the first strides towards real community.
Protest Groups: Street protest alone is not enough to effect positive change. Governments today ignore the will of the people, and assert policy measures without regard for public outcry. However, a protest group could help in initiating wider political action and help build bonds of trust. It is a step in the right direction, but not the end of the journey.
Farmer’s Or Garden Co-ops: Personal food growing and especially organized citizen growing is a threat to establishment and corporate systems. If you are no longer dependent on their food, you are less likely to be swayed or controlled.
Barter Networks: Barter networks take farmer’s co-ops and other private entrepreneurial ventures and form living, breathing economies which decouple from the mainstream system. A strong barter network with knowledgeable and skilled participants is like an oasis in the desert of economic disaster. It insulates and protects community, yet it refrains from centralizing or dominating community.
Neighborhood Watch: A real neighborhood watch is a move towards independence, and self defense. With municipal investment disintegrating, you cannot always count on local police to have the funding or the motivation to help you. Which means, you’ll have to help yourself. This is much easier when the rest of the
neighborhood is behind you.
Survival Groups: Survival groups allow training with others who may have extensive knowledge in areas you do not. Also, Survival Groups can share the financial burden of stockpiling goods, and, they can coordinate the acquisition of supplies so that each person has less work load to carry in the long term.
State Or County Militias: They seek to ensure the safety of others in the event of collapse. This is an honorable endeavor, not “extremism”. Bad government needs the masses to remain dependent, or, it loses its source of influence. Militias take away that influence, and so, are constantly and maliciously scrutinized in the media.
Safe Haven States: A Safe Haven State, or a “Free State”, is a state that has nurtured so many alternative markets and liberty minded communities that it acts as a barrier to a corrupt government. A Safe Haven State is Tenth Amendment conscious, supportive of sound money measures, and restrictive of federal interference in its affairs.
After networks are in place we will have the power to take direct and meaningful action, such as in blockading large corporations, massive information spreading campaigns virally and in the streets, creating and spreading massive petitions, voting together with our wallets to cause change in work conditions, pollution, or any actions taking by large corporations or organizations seen by the people as criminal. They have us divided and kept most just fat and happy enough to not take a look at why the world is the way it is or how to improve it, it's up to us to come together and change that.
Forms of communication like the internet have been the biggest tool in spreading information, debating, and coming to individual conclusions through the conference of a mass consensus of freely presented data, that can be scrutinized or praised with other data, allowing for a more sensible and clear outcome. Spreading information across the planet using social networks, blogs, vlogs, file sharing, using criagslist to pass out burned documentaries and informative videos, pamphlets filled with websites and links, art and graffiti, using a pyramid scheme archetype where one person recruits three and they recruit three and so on, and any venue or outlet you can find or think of to wake people to possibilities that exist for a better planet.
Instilling organizations like-
Meet-Up Groups: This is better than nothing. At the very least, we should be able to find the time to talk with others of like mind in a neutral setting away from our computers and express our concerns. Weekly or bi-weekly meetings are a must. Anything less frequent will probably go nowhere. If taken seriously, Meet Up groups can easily develop into the first strides towards real community.
Protest Groups: Street protest alone is not enough to effect positive change. Governments today ignore the will of the people, and assert policy measures without regard for public outcry. However, a protest group could help in initiating wider political action and help build bonds of trust. It is a step in the right direction, but not the end of the journey.
Farmer’s Or Garden Co-ops: Personal food growing and especially organized citizen growing is a threat to establishment and corporate systems. If you are no longer dependent on their food, you are less likely to be swayed or controlled.
Barter Networks: Barter networks take farmer’s co-ops and other private entrepreneurial ventures and form living, breathing economies which decouple from the mainstream system. A strong barter network with knowledgeable and skilled participants is like an oasis in the desert of economic disaster. It insulates and protects community, yet it refrains from centralizing or dominating community.
Neighborhood Watch: A real neighborhood watch is a move towards independence, and self defense. With municipal investment disintegrating, you cannot always count on local police to have the funding or the motivation to help you. Which means, you’ll have to help yourself. This is much easier when the rest of the
neighborhood is behind you.
Survival Groups: Survival groups allow training with others who may have extensive knowledge in areas you do not. Also, Survival Groups can share the financial burden of stockpiling goods, and, they can coordinate the acquisition of supplies so that each person has less work load to carry in the long term.
State Or County Militias: They seek to ensure the safety of others in the event of collapse. This is an honorable endeavor, not “extremism”. Bad government needs the masses to remain dependent, or, it loses its source of influence. Militias take away that influence, and so, are constantly and maliciously scrutinized in the media.
Safe Haven States: A Safe Haven State, or a “Free State”, is a state that has nurtured so many alternative markets and liberty minded communities that it acts as a barrier to a corrupt government. A Safe Haven State is Tenth Amendment conscious, supportive of sound money measures, and restrictive of federal interference in its affairs.
After networks are in place we will have the power to take direct and meaningful action, such as in blockading large corporations, massive information spreading campaigns virally and in the streets, creating and spreading massive petitions, voting together with our wallets to cause change in work conditions, pollution, or any actions taking by large corporations or organizations seen by the people as criminal. They have us divided and kept most just fat and happy enough to not take a look at why the world is the way it is or how to improve it, it's up to us to come together and change that.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Government intrusion of technological advancements
This is going to be a very cut and dry article filled with mostly facts, statistics, and solutions. A good place to start this off would be the historical corporate and government intrusion and outright criminal actions within the commodities market that has led us to this seemingly irrecoverable point. I'm going to steer clear of it's role in promotion and development and stick to it's record of regulation and control through agency's, legislation, to down right assassination. The early days of the United States, government leaders largely refrained from regulating business. But in response to the great depression created by both government and corporate back scratching, Roosevelt and the Congress enacted a host of new laws that gave government the power to regulate and intervene in the economy. Out of this businesses would at times gain undue influence over the agencies that regulate them; agency officials often acquire intimate knowledge of the businesses they regulate, and many are offered high-paying jobs in those industries once their tenure as regulators ends. The more recent practice of whats known as the revolving door between corporate lobbyist and government positions is just as bad if not even more destructive to a properly functioning regulatory system. Health, finance, insurance & real estate hold the highest percentage of lobbyist expenditure, which can be tied to the atrocious health care system, criminal Federal Reserve actions, victimless crime legislation aimed to prop up the private prison industry and insurance company's legal constraints, the housing market bubble, bailouts, etc.. A perfect example of this, are the current laws against the production of industrialized hemp, which was the result of political pressure exerted by the forestry industry and the DuPont corporation, which had just patented oil and coal based plastics production. This same scenario has played out many times before and after with such things as the electric car, thorium based nuclear reactors, less toxic or plant based plastics, and many other viable products for mass production that I will go into in more depth on.
- A completely self-sufficient air compressed vehicle that runs on alternating tanks and charges itself with the braking technology that the new hybrids utilize. Virtually emission free, can be utilized in many different applications, and company's are claiming to have designed a ninety percent efficient engine.
- A water powered vehicles that breaks down the hydrogen to power a hydrogen fueled engine. No more excessive fuel prices, works with clean or dirty water, and produces pollutant free emissions.
- Solar panels that run 24/7 by taking in the suns rays during the day and the ultra violet light at night. Doubling it's cost effectiveness and ability to provide a stable source of electricity.
- Snake like hydraulically driven generators anchored in waves that produce energy from the constantly moving ocean. A never ending source to provide power to coastlines.
- Converting our waste into power by extracting the methane to use as a fuel for power plants. We have to do something with it why not something productive.
- Hemp production and use in the manufacturing of medicines and biodegradable products to replace it's destructive counterpart oil based plastics and harmful chemical concoctions.
These are only a few options that would allow for a freer society, less constrained and no longer manipulated through the control of resources.
My first article, Solution
My offered design and direction for society would be to construct a transparent governing body, that issues it's own currency and would eventually function apart from what people need to live, learn, and prosper. First of all we would have to prove the debt system is fraudulent, then restart everything over just the same except with a sort of reward for good actions policy in place. Today we call them subsidies, grants, project funds, loans, whatever we choose to call them they can be used to influence and steer everything from corporations to singular people into producing and purchasing in a much more conscientious and ethical way. With an incentively driven infrastructure to reward anything that works better by funding the less destructive and/or more sustainable avenues of industrialization, there by promoting the production of responsible and reusable goods for the populace to purchase for less. Which for the most part if not all together can be provided by individuals if and when the proper technological advancements are implemented (Electricity, water, food, shelter, material production, travel, internet / telecommunications, education, health care, etc.) The technology exists and is currently being withheld from mass production by the corporate pigs for reasons like gradual improvements designed to squeeze out the most profit, and the threat of losing their current system of resource based control and ergo one of their largest power apparatus's.
Making hemp illegal to grow and letting the rain forest be relentlessly massacred, shows their true intentions clearly throughout their deeds. It truly needs to become a much more critical topic within all segments of society in today's world with the ever increasing poisoning of the planet. You'd really think the people at the top, the "ruling elite" would be more involved in something a little less evil than constructing a worldwide indentured servitude slave prison, which they narrow mindedly manipulate to their advantage, creating what looks a lot like a mix between a parade and a mass suicide, with no set and strategic goals to properly advance society.
Where do I suppose the money is to come from to fund such a massive change? Where does it come from now? It's completely illusory, they made everyone think the paper they print and manipulate represents a numerical value equal to actual needed and practical materials, need is the true root of all value. Corporations should not run with the main objective to make the most profit, they must find a way to improve and factually be able show their improvements and only then are they rewarded with tax refunds, subsidies, funding, yada yada. You must take the resources you have and use them to architect, manufacture, and construct an entirely new form of society that isn't designed to be disposable. We must set up a structure to reward innovative, progressive, and overall better choices for the world, using a formula of analysis between the beneficial pros to cons, and then determine the amount of money to be awarded that would equal the extent and effect of the improvement. The bigger and better the effect in the world the more payment should be allotted. Until eventually at some point in time, money will be used merely as a tool for barter, when all needs are met by guiding society's choices by a means of incentives.
Making hemp illegal to grow and letting the rain forest be relentlessly massacred, shows their true intentions clearly throughout their deeds. It truly needs to become a much more critical topic within all segments of society in today's world with the ever increasing poisoning of the planet. You'd really think the people at the top, the "ruling elite" would be more involved in something a little less evil than constructing a worldwide indentured servitude slave prison, which they narrow mindedly manipulate to their advantage, creating what looks a lot like a mix between a parade and a mass suicide, with no set and strategic goals to properly advance society.
Where do I suppose the money is to come from to fund such a massive change? Where does it come from now? It's completely illusory, they made everyone think the paper they print and manipulate represents a numerical value equal to actual needed and practical materials, need is the true root of all value. Corporations should not run with the main objective to make the most profit, they must find a way to improve and factually be able show their improvements and only then are they rewarded with tax refunds, subsidies, funding, yada yada. You must take the resources you have and use them to architect, manufacture, and construct an entirely new form of society that isn't designed to be disposable. We must set up a structure to reward innovative, progressive, and overall better choices for the world, using a formula of analysis between the beneficial pros to cons, and then determine the amount of money to be awarded that would equal the extent and effect of the improvement. The bigger and better the effect in the world the more payment should be allotted. Until eventually at some point in time, money will be used merely as a tool for barter, when all needs are met by guiding society's choices by a means of incentives.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
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