This is going to be a very cut and dry article filled with mostly facts, statistics, and solutions. A good place to start this off would be the historical corporate and government intrusion and outright criminal actions within the commodities market that has led us to this seemingly irrecoverable point. I'm going to steer clear of it's role in promotion and development and stick to it's record of regulation and control through agency's, legislation, to down right assassination. The early days of the United States, government leaders largely refrained from regulating business. But in response to the great depression created by both government and corporate back scratching, Roosevelt and the Congress enacted a host of new laws that gave government the power to regulate and intervene in the economy. Out of this businesses would at times gain undue influence over the agencies that regulate them; agency officials often acquire intimate knowledge of the businesses they regulate, and many are offered high-paying jobs in those industries once their tenure as regulators ends. The more recent practice of whats known as the revolving door between corporate lobbyist and government positions is just as bad if not even more destructive to a properly functioning regulatory system. Health, finance, insurance & real estate hold the highest percentage of lobbyist expenditure, which can be tied to the atrocious health care system, criminal Federal Reserve actions, victimless crime legislation aimed to prop up the private prison industry and insurance company's legal constraints, the housing market bubble, bailouts, etc.. A perfect example of this, are the current laws against the production of industrialized hemp, which was the result of political pressure exerted by the forestry industry and the DuPont corporation, which had just patented oil and coal based plastics production. This same scenario has played out many times before and after with such things as the electric car, thorium based nuclear reactors, less toxic or plant based plastics, and many other viable products for mass production that I will go into in more depth on.
- A completely self-sufficient air compressed vehicle that runs on alternating tanks and charges itself with the braking technology that the new hybrids utilize. Virtually emission free, can be utilized in many different applications, and company's are claiming to have designed a ninety percent efficient engine.
- A water powered vehicles that breaks down the hydrogen to power a hydrogen fueled engine. No more excessive fuel prices, works with clean or dirty water, and produces pollutant free emissions.
- Solar panels that run 24/7 by taking in the suns rays during the day and the ultra violet light at night. Doubling it's cost effectiveness and ability to provide a stable source of electricity.
- Snake like hydraulically driven generators anchored in waves that produce energy from the constantly moving ocean. A never ending source to provide power to coastlines.
- Converting our waste into power by extracting the methane to use as a fuel for power plants. We have to do something with it why not something productive.
- Hemp production and use in the manufacturing of medicines and biodegradable products to replace it's destructive counterpart oil based plastics and harmful chemical concoctions.
These are only a few options that would allow for a freer society, less constrained and no longer manipulated through the control of resources.
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