Did the people at the top really just not think of anything better and let population and pollution get out of hand without any true effort to mitigate these problems? We are only over populated because of how mismanaged we are, from sustainable technologies being withheld and inproper regulations due to either stupid greed or planned decisions. They obviously have plans in place as we can see, but what if their plans have just failed and the only solution they can come up with is to cull humanity and start over. In this case we could only hope that the giant spy apparatuses are for spotting the truly caring and aware humans with the intelligence and intentions to create a better world. We like to label them as evil but in reality it could be the cruelness of nature and cold hearted laws of physics, which have to be followed in order to survive that are to blame. We must find a way to incorporate these elites in any plans we make, instead of an outright war upon them. We do have the numbers on our side, but they posses the ownership of the structures within society we rely upon. Folding them into the plan for the future seems to be a better solution to bypass all out destruction and mass death. I'm not saying lye down and get trampled, but at least extend our hand in cooperation for the greater good of this planet, if it's rejected then fuck it then we know how they want to play this out and in that case it would be better to die fighting than on our knees. Relinquishing them of their elite status and giving them a second chance to join humanity in the greatest struggle of all survival and evolution.
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