Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My first article, Solution

My offered design and direction for society would be to construct a transparent governing body, that issues it's own currency and would eventually function apart from what people need to live, learn, and prosper. First of all we would have to prove the debt system is fraudulent, then restart everything over just the same except with a sort of reward for good actions policy in place. Today we call them subsidies, grants, project funds, loans, whatever we choose to call them they can be used to influence and steer everything from corporations to singular people into producing and purchasing in a much more conscientious and ethical way. With an incentively driven infrastructure to reward anything that works better by funding the less destructive and/or more sustainable avenues of industrialization, there by promoting the production of responsible and reusable goods for the populace to purchase for less. Which for the most part if not all together can be provided by individuals if and when the proper technological advancements are implemented (Electricity, water, food, shelter, material production, travel, internet / telecommunications, education, health care, etc.) The technology exists and is currently being withheld from mass production by the corporate pigs for reasons like gradual improvements designed to squeeze out the most profit, and the threat of losing their current system of resource based control and ergo one of their largest power apparatus's.
Making hemp illegal to grow and letting the rain forest be relentlessly massacred, shows their true intentions clearly throughout their deeds. It truly needs to become a much more critical topic within all segments of society in today's world with the ever increasing poisoning of the planet. You'd really think the people at the top, the "ruling elite" would be more involved in something a little less evil than constructing a worldwide indentured servitude slave prison, which they narrow mindedly manipulate to their advantage, creating what looks a lot like a mix between a parade and a mass suicide, with no set and strategic goals to properly advance society.

Where do I suppose the money is to come from to fund such a massive change? Where does it come from now? It's completely illusory, they made everyone think the paper they print and manipulate represents a numerical value equal to actual needed and practical materials, need is the true root of all value. Corporations should not run with the main objective to make the most profit, they must find a way to improve and factually be able show their improvements and only then are they rewarded with tax refunds, subsidies, funding, yada yada. You must take the resources you have and use them to architect, manufacture, and construct an entirely new form of society that isn't designed to be disposable. We must set up a structure to reward innovative, progressive, and overall better choices for the world, using a formula of analysis between the beneficial pros to cons, and then determine the amount of money to be awarded that would equal the extent and effect of the improvement. The bigger and better the effect in the world the more payment should be allotted. Until eventually at some point in time, money will be used merely as a tool for barter, when all needs are met by guiding society's choices by a means of incentives.

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